Emergency Housing Vouchers – Round #1 Applications Being Accepted
As has been discussed for several months in HSPN monthly meetings, this is to advise you that applications will be accepted for Round #1 of the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program beginning Monday, November 8th through Monday, November 22nd. Every inquiry and every application begins with New Bedford Coordinated Entry open Monday – Fridays from 8.30am – 5.00pm (except Veterans Day) and may be reached at 508.999.4757 beginning November 8th.
If you are a case manager or are working with someone in PSH, RRH or HomeBase housing who is willing/able to move to an independent setting but still needs a voucher to remain stably housed, you are asked to contact Sheila Chasse, directly, at New Bedford Coordinated Entry at schasse@cssdioc.org.
There is both eligibility criteria and prioritization criteria that will be used to determine whether a household is eligible, prioritized and able to proceed to full application.
Eligibility Individuals and families are eligible for EHVs if they are homeless, at-risk of homelessness, fleeing, or attempting to flee, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking or human trafficking, or recently homeless and for whom providing rental assistance will prevent the family’s homelessness or having high risk of housing instability including clients in rapid rehousing and permanent supportive housing programs.
Prioritization The following chart provides a list of prioritized cohorts that will be used in reviewing all applications.
Priority # |
Cohort |
1 |
Those New Bedford residents identifying as part of a BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ community who are ready/willing/able to successfully move on from PSH or HomeBASE (exiting the program) but who continue to need a housing subsidy to remain stably housed. |
2 |
Those New Bedford residents who are ready/willing/able to successfully move on from PSH or HomeBASE (by exiting the program) but who continue to need a housing subsidy to remain stably housed. |
3 |
Those New Bedford residents identifying as part of a BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ community and currently receiving Rapid Rehousing funds (either through ESG or CoC sources) and can show they need a voucher to maintain housing. |
4 |
Those New Bedford residents who are receiving Rapid Rehousing funds (either through ESG or CoC sources) and can show they need a voucher to maintain housing. |
5 |
Those New Bedford residents who identify as BIPOC and/or LGBTQ+ in the community, are currently in a housing crisis and can show they need a voucher to maintain housing. |
6 |
Those either recently released from a correctional institution or who have a history of incarceration and only need a voucher to maintain housing. |
7 |
Those New Bedford residents on the existing Coordinated Entry waiting list. |
8 |
All other qualifying and eligible households. |
Please refer to the attached EHV FLYER for additional information.
Should vouchers remain after this first round, subsequent rounds will be announced.