Emergency Housing Vouchers – Round #1 Applications Being Accepted As has been discussed for several months in HSPN monthly meetings, this is to advise you that applications will be accepted for Round #1 of the Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) program beginning Monday, November 8th through Monday, November 22nd. Every inquiry and every application begins with New Bedford Coordinated Entry open Monday - Fridays from 8.30am - 5.00pm (except Veterans Day) and may be reached at 508.999.4757 beginning November 8th. If you are a case manager or are [ Continue reading. ]
Local Events
The City of New Bedford has conducted its annual “Point In Time” (PIT) count that creates a census of those individuals and families experiencing homelessness within the city, both sheltered (living in emergency or transitional housing) and unsheltered (on the streets/in places not meant for human habitation). Concurrent with that is the development of the city's "Housing Inventory Count" (HIC) that provides an inventory of specific emergency, transitional and permanent housing opportunities for those experiencing homelessness in New Bedford. This is [ Continue reading. ]
The City of New Bedford has conducted its annual “Point In Time” [PIT] count that creates a census of those individuals and families experiencing homelessness within the city, both sheltered (living in emergency or transitional housing) and unsheltered (on the streets/in places not meant for human habitation). This is a big operation and requires a lot of effort and many hands. The results from the 2019 PIT, initially presented at the HSPN April 18, 2019 meeting and updated on April 29, 2019, are now available here: PIT 2019 PRESENTATION . For a [ Continue reading. ]
Here's your opportunity to join in and help out! The 2019 Point In Time (PIT) Count is scheduled for a 24 hour period beginning January 30th and running through early afternoon the next day, January 31st. Volunteers are needed; check out the survey monkey for volunteer registration by clicking here. Donations are welcome and can be made by contacting Lauren Lemieux at LLemieux@cssdioc.org. [ Continue reading. ]
The First Annual NB Connect
The City of New Bedford’s HSPN, along with its committee, “Rise Up for Homes” undertook its first NB Connect event on Friday, September 30th in which over 40 area agencies, resources and providers came together under one roof to provide a single point of access for those experiencing homelessness as well as those living in poverty. The event was held in the gym of the downtown YMCA and was a big success in its inaugural year. Many people were involved in making this event so valuable to the community but the leadership of HSPN Chair Carl Alves, [ Continue reading. ]
One Homeless Night
The HSPN’s fundraising arm known as RISE UP FOR HOMES held its first event on October 16, 2015 called: “One Homeless Night… is too many.” This was an overnight encampment of community leaders to experience and dialogue around issues of homelessness. The event was considered an important success on all fronts and we have many, many people to thank. Check out the RISE UP website at www.riseupforhomes.com for more information and to make your donation today! [ Continue reading. ]
HSPN Outreach Task Force Holds First Meeting
Dedicated folks got together for a training/meeting at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel church on Wednesday, September 2nd to discuss and learn more about outreach and engagement strategies and resources in New Bedford. There were multiple speakers and the 25+ present in attendance were enthusiastic about collaborating and taking away some great information. Look for announcements of future meetings and check out some of the resource materials that were shared along with a copy of the minutes at these links: Outreach Meeting Minutes.September 2015 How to [ Continue reading. ]
2015 National Alliance to End Homelessness Meeting
Great information throughout this year’s NAEH Conference in Washington D.C. in July provides important insight into federal priorities and local best practices toward ensuring greater efficiencies and longer stabilization for those working to end homelessness. A limited number of conference session presentations area available at this link: NAEH Conference 2015 You may also want to check out some of the major takeaways city staff had from this conference at this link: NAEH Conference Tidbits and Takeaways.2015 [ Continue reading. ]