The HSPN follows a set of written standards in ensuring consistency, best practices and excellence with respect to program and system performance. These standards, memorialized in 2016 were updated by the City's Office of Housing & Community Development on behalf of the New Bedford CoC. The product of that effort is divided into two separate documents: CoC Operational Standards and CoC Performance Standards. As its name implies, Operational Standards (available here: OPERATIONAL STANDARDS) provides guidance and standards for all project types, [ Continue reading. ]
The City of New Bedford’s HSPN has received, reviewed and voted on the 2018 Final CoC Rank and Order of Projects. The HSPN’s Performance Review Committee (PRC), comprised of HSPN members with no relationship–financial or otherwise–to any of the applicants for funding in the FY2018 round received, reviewed, vetted, evaluated and ranked all applications for the competition. This year one new application under the DV Bonus was received. Eight renewal applications were reviewed, six of which for housing programs, one of which was for the continuum’s Homeless [ Continue reading. ]
The process used by the CoC in the review, evaluation and ranking of renewal, new and reallocation projects is annually updated and made available to the CoC, project applicants and the community. The 2018 Ranking and Review Process is available here: FINAL Rank and Review Process. For an expanded look at the Reallocation Process, see the REALLOCATION PLAN 2018. [ Continue reading. ]
In anticipation of each CoC funding cycle, the City of New Bedford’s Continuum of Care (Homeless Service Provider’s Network or “HSPN”) issues its guidance regarding its policies/process for the reallocation of funding from an existing project to a new permanent supportive housing project. A copy of the CoC’s 2018 Reallocation Plan can be downloaded here REALLOCATION PLAN 2018. [ Continue reading. ]
(Approved by the HSPN membership on June 21, 2018.) The City of New Bedford’s HSPN membership adopted its CoC Community Priorities at its regular meeting of June 15, 2017. Those priorities are available here: 2018 COC COMMUNITY PRIORITIES. [ Continue reading. ]
Check out a copy of New Bedford’s 2018 CoC Consolidated Application. The final COC 2018 COLLABORATIVE APPLICATION that includes the Collaborative Application, the Priority Listing and project applications submitted by the Continuum of Care to HUD is now available! [ Continue reading. ]
New Federal Strategic Plan Released…
The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness has released the new federal strategic plan, Home, Together. This plan, based on a year of listening and study across the country, updates the previous plan entitled, Opening Doors. According to the plan, itself, Home, Together "focuses on identifying and describing essential federal strategies that will help states, communities and public and private partners build effective, lasting systems that will drive toward the goals now, and be able to respond quickly and efficiently when housing [ Continue reading. ]
The City of New Bedford's Continuum of Care (CoC) uses system performance measures developed by the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) to assess how well it is moving toward ending homelessness within the CoC, itself. By looking at a series of data produced by the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS), an aggregate look into the performance of certain metrics from 2015 - 2017 provides insight as to some strengths of the CoC as well as areas that may be targeted for improvement. Take a look at the System Performance [ Continue reading. ]
CoC Competition: Applicant’s Conference Materials Now Available
As announced through the 2018 RFP for CoC Funding, an Applicant's Conference was held on Monday, July 9, 2018 during which an overview of both the RFP, itself, as well as the actual funding application was offered. If you are interested in applying for funding in this competition round, please take a look at this powerpoint deck for helpful guidance. In addition, you may always contact the Department of Planning, Housing & Community Development for assistance by either email (at or by phone at [ Continue reading. ]
Competition Timeline.2018
This year's Continuum of Care (CoC) funding competition in New Bedford's own CoC begins at the end of June and runs through the September deadline set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Check out the entire Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) CoC Competition Timeline.2018. [ Continue reading. ]