We are pleased to announce it’s a new day for Coordinated Entry!
New Bedford’s new Coordinated Entry System (CES) is focusing on individuals and families in our community who are currently experiencing homelessness. We are doing so by using CES to help get folks out of shelters, off the streets and in places not meant for human habitation so that they have a roof over their head as quickly as possible. This is no easy task given the many barriers to housing folks often face including CORI issues, past evictions, mental health, substance use issues and trauma that EVERYONE who has experienced homeless must fight and, to the greatest extent possible, overcome.
To that end the new CES is working with agencies and affected households to ensure housing options are presented as they become available and services are offered in a timely, organized way. CES will consistently follow-up in these efforts to ensure our Continuum is offering everyone the opportunity for dignity, support and the opportunity to be safe as quickly as possible.
Are you hoping to refer someone to Coordinated Entry? Use the Comprehensive Housing Assessment Tool (CHAT) available here.. Simply complete it and send it in to the Coordinated Entry team at ce@comcounseling.org. Someone from the CES Team will reach out and contact you to follow up.
Coordinated Entry Phone Line: 508.501.0900