The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness has released the new federal strategic plan, Home, Together. This plan, based on a year of listening and study across the country, updates the previous plan entitled, Opening Doors.
According to the plan, itself, Home, Together “focuses on identifying and describing essential federal strategies that will help states, communities and public and private partners build effective, lasting systems that will drive toward the goals now, and be able to respond quickly and efficiently when housing instability and homelessness occur in the future. The Plan serves as a road map for non-federal agencies and partners, providing a detailed framework through which they can identify and implement their own strategic activities and align their efforts with federal agencies and other partners.”
Take a look a this new federal plan that will extend from 2018-2022 here: Home-Together-Federal-Strategic-Plan-to-Prevent-and-End-Homelessness.