The U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) has released the CHRONIC HOMELESS FINAL RULE describing changes to the federal HUD definition of what it means to be chronically homeless. Although the previous definition considered individuals and families as being “chronically homeless” if they were homeless up to four times in a three year period, the definition has been modified to mean that chronic homelessness can only be declared after four years in a three year period equal 12 months in the aggregate. This change, along with others is detailed in the final rule available here. The City of New Bedford has issued its own guidance about the new chronic homelessness rule through two fact sheets–one focusing on the basics and the second focusing on reporting requirements, as well as an intake form for New Bedford programs assisting those they consider chronically homeless. You can select on the links highlighted in blue, or you can go to the RESOURCES page on this website and find a great deal of information about applying the rule and documenting chronic homelessness.
ALSO… On or about December 1, 2015, HUD released the Final FY2016 Fair Market Rents (FMRs) and Utility Allowances for the New Bedford, MA HUD Metro FMR Area. You can get a copy of New Bedford’s FY16 FMRs and Utility Allowances here. Please note, the FY16 FMRs and Utility Allowances are in effect as of December 1, 2016 and will be implemented until the new FY2017 FMRs are released by HUD (on or about September 30, 2017). Please use these FY16 FMRs and Utility Allowances until further notice. You may also want to note that these FY16 FMRs and Utility Allowances must be used for all new and renewal lease negotiations that will have a start date equal to or greater than December 1, 2016. The FY2016 rates must be used for all new and renewal lease negotiations until the Final FY17 FMRs and Utility Allowances are released by HUD. If you’re a program with housing being funded by the city, under no circumstance will a reimbursement exceed the value of the negotiated lease amount as specified in the lease agreement. Please contact Joe Maia if you have any questions regarding the FY16 FMRs and Utility Allowances.