2019 CoC Funding Competition
You can now access a copy of New Bedford’s 2019 CoC Consolidated Application! The FINAL COC APPLICATION.2019 along with the APPLICATION ATTACHMENTS are available through these links. You can also access a copy of the PROJECT PRIORITY LISTING here as well! The CoC Application was reviewed and approved in a unanimous vote by the HSPN Executive Committee on September 19, 2019. If you have any questions about any of these materials or the individual projects that will be submitted as part of the overall 2019 package to HUD before September 30, 2019, please contact Jennifer Clarke, Deputy Director, City of New Bedford Office of Housing & Community Development at Jennifer.Clarke@newbedford-ma.gov.COC COMMUNITY PRIORITIES for 2019
(Approved by the HSPN membership on June 20, 2019.)
The City of New Bedford’s HSPN membership adopted its CoC Community Priorities at its regular meeting of June 20, 2019. Those priorities are available here: 2019 COC COMMUNITY PRIORITIES
The City of New Bedford’s HSPN has received, reviewed and voted on the 2019 Final CoC Rank and Order of Projects. the HSPN’s Performance Review Committee (PRC) comprised of HSPN members with no relationship–financial or otherwise–to any of the applicants for funding in the FY2019 round received, reviewed, vetted, evaluated, scored and ranked all applications for this competition. There were no new applications received in this competition round. Eight renewal applications were reviewed, six of which were for permanent housing (PH) programs (five permanent supportive and one rapid rehousing), one for the continuum’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and one of which was for the continuum’s coordinated entry program, the CALL.
On August 15, 2019, the HSPN membership carefully reviewed and heard the recommendation of the PRC following a PowerPoint presentation (a copy of which is available here: LOOKING AT THE 2019 COC FUNDING ROUND ) detailing this year’s NOFA and considerations relative to the competition, HUD priorities and that of the local continuum. In a unanimous vote, the HSPN membership accepted the report of the PRC and its recommendation for ranking in the 2019 CoC Competition.
the final CoC Rank and Order of Projects is available here: FY2019 FINAL COC RANK AND ORDER OF PROJECTS.
The process used by the CoC in the review, evaluation and ranking of renewal, new and reallocation projects is annually updated and made available to the CoC, project applicants and the community.
The 2019 Ranking and Review Process is available here: NB COC REVIEW and RANKING PROCESS.2019.
In anticipation of each CoC funding cycle, the City of New Bedford’s Continuum of Care (Homeless Service Provider’s Network or “HSPN”) issues its guidance regarding its policies/process for the reallocation of funding from an existing project to a new permanent supportive housing project.
A copy of the CoC’s 2019 Reallocation Plan can be downloaded here: NB COC REALLOCATION PLAN.2019
The 2019 Continuum of Care (CoC) funding competition in New Bedford’s CoC begins in July and runs through the September deadline set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Check out the competition timeline for 2019 here: CoC Competition Timeline.2019
On Tuesday, July 30, 2019, the City of New Bedford’s Continuum of Care (CoC), acting through the Office of Housing & Community Development, has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) that includes instructions and the application itself for 2019 funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The RFP is available in fillable format here: RFP NB COC 2019
The linked RFP includes an application for renewal projects as well as new projects (those available through bonus and DV bonus funding) made available by HUD in this round.
This competition is open to all eligible applicants; one need not have previously applied to participate and submit an application.
Please contact Jennifer Clarke, Deputy Director DPHCD at Jennifer.Clarke@newbedford-ma.gov with any questions